Keep Your Emails Out of the Spam Folder

October 18, 2016
By Zack Poelwijk
How to Get Your Emails Reported as Spam

Email marketing is one of the best ways to build a brand and maintain regular contact with your customers. You’ve grown your email list and are ready to send out emails on a regular basis. Don’t the things in this following list if you want to keep your emails out of the spam folder.

Add email addresses without their permission.
You know that everybody out there wants your emails whether they’ve opted in or not.

Send too many emails.
As soon as people sign up, send them emails multiple times a day, every day. It’s not annoying at all.

Continue to send emails after people have unsubscribed.
Tell people that you got their unsubscribe request but it will take days to process that request, because email management isn’t automated these days and you have to wait for the carrier pigeon to deliver the message to your assistant, who is on top of a mountain in Timbuktu. They’ll believe it and continue to be patient while getting even more emails they don’t want.

Don’t segment your lists.
If you’re a party planner, for instance, send your corporate events clients the same emails you send to your wedding clients. They’ll love that.

Include broken links.
Assuming your emails actually contain information your customers want, don’t check it before it goes out so that the link to get to your featured product is broken. They’ll definitely keep trying to purchase that product and won’t go to another store with links that actually work.

Include grammar mistakes.
People won’t notice or care that you didn’t take the time to proof your work before you expected them to read it.

Send the same email over and over.
Maybe they didn’t see it the first 10 times you sent it. Send it again.

Send out boring content.
If you don’t have anything useful to say, say it anyway.

Use spammy headlines.
Yeah, that will get their attention.

You wouldn’t actually do these things, would you?

Obviously, we do not recommend doing the things we’ve listed here. Blast out emails to everyone is a bad idea. Emails can help you attract customers, not push them away. Having someone’s email address is a relationship of profound trust. Personalize the email for your audience. Respect that relationship and you’ll keep your email friends on your list and keep your emails out of the spam folder.

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