Ask anyone around you this question: Could you write a book? If there are any writers around you, you might not get the same answers like you would if you asked the general public! But most people say no, they could not write a book. Why is that?

There’s a perception that writing a book takes 10 hours a day of research and writing, leaving no time for other pursuits or work that you get paid for while you do the unpaid work of writing the book. Maybe that’s true for some books, but there’s another way that you could accomplish that goal.

You’re already blogging, right? If you write one well-written and researched blog post/article each week, that’s 52 blog posts/articles per year. That’s enough to turn into a small book! It doesn’t matter what your field is…you are a dentist, a health coach, a real estate agent…you have the expertise that other people want.

Approach your writing as if each blog post/article could be its own chapter in your soon-to-be-published book. Organize your thoughts the way you might if you were looking at big pictures (the sections) and narrowing them down into topics (the blog posts/articles, which are chapters). It’s a lot less daunting to consider writing a book this way, a page at a time.

After a year or two you’ve got the material for a nice printed booklet, an ebook, white papers, downloadable guides, or bonus free material you can compile on a thumb drive for your customers.

Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash